Thursday, April 5, 2012

Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector B.B. Cream

Have you seen the commericials for this stuff? Do you have not so great skin? I was excited when I found out I was going to participate in this Bzz Agent Campaign. For me personally, I had better skin in High School than I do today as an adult. I know most people would not want to go back to their HS days and actually had not so good skin back in the day. But not me. I had WONDERFUL skin then. So you can understand why I was so excited to try this new product. When it came in it came with coupons and a full size bottle of product! Yippe! I love when COOL, FREE things come in the mail just for me!

I couldn't wait to try this stuff! And I was so glad that I did! This stuff is absolutely awesome. It says it's skin perfector. But to me it was more like a concealer/foundation all in one. It comes in 2 shades Light and then a Dark. This stuff was wonderful! And it didn't feel thick and greasy. It was very light and airy feeling.

You should check them out on facebook. Over the last few days they have been having giveaways at about noon EST. Maybe you could win a prize, but even if you don't .. you should try this stuff!