Monday, January 16, 2012

JIffy Sample

Do you like free samples? Here's one for you.

Fill out this form and get a FREE copy of their  Hospitality in a "JIFFY" recipe book.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tide Coldwater Challenge

What is the chances that I would be invited to a Tide Cold water Twitter party the same day that I make laundry detergent? Seems like no coincidence to me.

I'm excited about this one. I have never done a twitter party. Hopefully I don't screw it up!

They tell me they will be talking about ways that we can be a little more environmentally friendly. Are you green? I'll be honest. I'm not very good at it. Although I try to do the basic recycling and such.

I thought I'd invite you to join us. There are even cool incentive prizes that are provides by both Tide and She speaks. I've included the details if you're interested.

Party Details:
When: Thursday, January 19th
Time: 9:00pm EST
Who: You and your friends!
Hashtag: #washcold
Custom TweetGrid:
Party Sponsors: @Tide, @FutureFriendly
Party Hosts: @SheSpeaksUp, @RachelFerrucci
Party Panelists: @stacieinatlanta, @katjapresnal, @zipporahs, @lisasamples, @cherylbudge

We're giving out over $700 in prizes, including a Honey-Can-Do Triple Laundry Sorter, a Suncast Recycle Bin and more! You could win our grand prize, a
Whirlpool High Efficiency Washing Machine.

Pre-Twitter Party Contest!
Win a free bottle of
Tide Coldwater detergent! On Tuesday January 17th through Thursday January 19th, we'll be tweeting out a Tide Coldwater question from @SheSpeaksUp at 9AM ET. Tweet us the answer with the hashtag #washcold to be eligible to win a bottle of Tide Coldwater Liquid Detergent! One winner per day will be chosen randomly from correct answers and announced at 4pm ET.

Are you on twitter? Do you use it alot? What's your twitter name?

Making homemade laundry soap.

I thought I would try my hand at making homemade laundry soap. It's frugal, fun and apparently trendy these days. I must admit with like most things I took the easy route. Most of my friends that make their own laundry soap do the liquid version. I thought I'd try the easy route.

Here's what you will need.
  • 1 c borax
  • 1 c washing soda
  • 1 bar of soap (ivory or fels naptha or other bar soap)

 First grate your soap. I used Fels Naptha. You could also try you could try Fels-Naptha, Ivory soap, Sunlight bar soap, Kirk’s Hardwater Castile, and Zote.

I then put into an old bucket that I had from home depot.

I then measured out a cup of borax. I found this at my local walmart. I'd assume you'd be able to find at most stores in the laundry aisle.

I poured my borax in the bucket with my fels naptha.

I then measured out a cup of ARM & HAMMER® Super Washing Soda Detergent Booster. Again I found this in the laundry aisle.
I then poured this into my bucket with the other 2 ingredients.
The picture above is an inside look at all 3 ingredients. Then all you do is mix all 3 ingredients together.
Tada! The finished project. You can choose to store this in any kind of container that you have available. I used an old cool whip container. See picture below.
All you need is 1 tablespoon per load of laundry. Thought this was a very simple project. I kept all the utensils (grater, spoon, bucket, etc) I used to make this with my laundry stuff so that they don't get confused with my cooking utensils. So now I'm off to do laundry. I'll report back later to see how this worked for my family. Hopefully none of us break out from it!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

70% off at Body Shop

Do you like a deal? Do you like the body shop? Check this out!

70% off plus free shipping over $50

Win a trip to the Grammys!

Have I mentioned I loved giveaways and contests?! I think I'll post these periodically! I also love music ... and even better than music I love seeing it live! And I love all sorts of genres! So here's a contest for you to enter!  You can enter here! What's your favorite music genre?

Back to School ... at 33

So I decided that 2012 would be the year that I return to school . Being in school as an adult is by far more difficult than I anticipated. Talk about feeling like an outsider. Even my economics class (which so far I hate) is nearly 10 years younger than  me!! This will be a challenge for me to pursue. What's your favorite subject in school?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello There!

So I figured I would try my hand out at blogging for 2012. I figured why not? Everyone else is doing it! I really don't have any format for it. Just thought it would be about random stuff I enjoy. So if you continue reading who knows what you'll come across.

I've decided to name it Happenstance Encounter for now. Maybe that will change later. But I thought I'd name it Happenstance Encounter. Because it is really that. It's really is a chance encounter that you have landed here. Plus Happenstance is just fun to say, don't you think?

I do not know anything about blogging ... so this will be a learning process for me.

So here's a little about me. I'm a 33 year old woman living in the Great Lakes area. I come from a large family including 4 siblings and many aunt, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. I live with my fabulous boyfriend who I am just smitten over! Plus we have his 2 children here quite a bit. A boy-6, and a girl-5. Who I just adore.

I love lots of different completely random things. I love to spend time with my family and friends. I enjoy crafting, couponing, contests and giveaways. Actually I'm thinking of doing alot of reviews on this site ... But we'll see where that goes. I'm a person who has a strong faith but deals with the struggles of any spiritual journey.

For now I think I'll continue to remain anonymous ... Maybe you could suggest an alias for me?