Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

 Happy Valentines Day! I absolutely love this holiday! No pun intended! But actually it's pretty amazing ... and I think every day should be valentines day! After much thought I've come to realize why I <3 this holiday. It's certainly not because of any BF. Up until now I've had my fair share of crappy ones. But because of my father .... After reading the book "The 5 love languages" (which is an awesome book, have you read it?) ... I learned that my love language is gifts. Although I never thought myself to be materialistic ... I love gifts and surprises. I always remember my dad bring me little candy heart boxes or a flower of some sort! How exciting! My dad spoke my love language!

Normally I'd go all out for the one I'm with on Valentine's Day. But this year money is tight and I'm on a budget. So I used a few ideas that I found on Pinterest. Have you checked out this website? If you haven't ... you totally should! It is fabulously filled with LOTS of ideas! But be careful because it is SUPER ADDICTIVE!

I took this Candy Bar Love Note Idea and added my own little twist to it! Along with this idea for a gift around the hour. This site has it set up for a gift every hour. I just put random times. Some were every hour and some were every half hour.

I started out with snickers bar. photo.JPG Than I added a little note that said something along the lines of not to "SNICKER" at my lousy attempt at a Valentine's this year.

I then added a box of movie sized box of NERDS. photo.JPG
Along with a note saying that I wasn't a "NERD" just wanted to write him a love note he'd appreciate.

I told him I was happy that he "SKITTLED" his way into my life.
That I always have a "WHOPPER" of a good time when I am with him.

photo.JPG I went on to tell him how he really is my "MR. GOODBAR" and that I appreciate all the good he does for me.
photo.JPG That I am no "DUD" to not realized that when I met him that I really "SKOR'D" when I met him.photo.JPG That over the last year he has really been a "LIFESAVER" to me. photo.JPG I told him that I loved him to "PIECES" for it.
photo.JPG photo.JPG I told him that I'm lucky that he is "SWEET AS PIE" (These are his favorite, so I timed this one to coordinate with his lunch hour since I knew he'd eat right away. He calls me every day on his lunch break and sure enough he said he ate it right away) photo.JPG 
I finished by telling him that I am "BURSTING" photo.JPG with so much "JOY"photo.JPG that he is my "SWEETART"photo.JPG

I know that it was a corny valentine gift ... but on a low budget it served it's purpose. Sometimes I think that a creative gift also means more than one that cost lots of money and only took you 20 minutes to pick out. But that's just me.

But I'm not done yet ... This is only his Valentine's Day at work. I am going to post some Hershey's Hugs & Kisses to the door along with a note reminding him that the best part of Valentine's Day is just starting. You know the part that we get to spend together ... so always shower me with hugs & kisses!

I'll give him the tin can of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that I bought him. (Another favorite of his).

Than I'll finish with a nice dinner of salisbury steaks, mashed potatoes and a vegetable followed by his favorite Peanut Butter Pie. (Maybe I'll share those recipes with you tomorrow!) Be sure to check back and find out.

In conclusion, love goes beyond loving your spouse/partner or the rest of your family. We are called to love one another. Take some time to do something special for your neighbor, your classmate, your friend, your coworker, maybe even that homeless person you passed on the street. There are opportunities to love one another everyday! I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday and remember to love someone today! 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

I'd love to hear what you guys did for Valentine's Day!!! Please share

Monday, February 13, 2012

My first review!!!!

I am excited to announce that I will be having my first review/giveaway in the next couple weeks! Keep an eye out for it!! So excited!!!! Here's a clue .... Will come in handy if you're planning a vacation. Any ideas?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Do you like Giveaways?

If you like giveaways ... I came across this blog that lists low entry giveaways ... I thought I would share with you!

Feel free to click on the box to take you there!

Not Very Good

So apparently I'm not a very good blogger. But apparently good things take time and work right? Guess I just haven't been putting too much time into it. I have been overwhelmed with going back to school. By the way I'm only going part time ... and I only have 3 more semesters to get an associates. Slow I know ... but I may actually finish something for the first time in my life! Yay me!

In the the past 6 months I have had 3 appliances go out on me. First my dryer, then my oven and shortly after making all that laundry soap my washer! Ugh! Just my luck I suppose. I have been replacing them as I can ... being unemployed is rough! I'm thankful I have a wonderful boyfriend ... he bought a new washer! Woot! Woot!  I'm thankful that the stove part of my range still works ... so dinners haven't completely gone horrible! So that's next our on list .... Any suggestions on a good oven that you like? What features are a must have in a stove/oven for you? So far my only requirement is a timer ... since I love to bake!